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Licence Fees (effective from 1st September 2022 for Renewals)

These are the charges tScheme makes for initial and subsequent approval against the relevant Approval Profiles. These fees do not include the cost of Assessment, which is agreed between the applicant and their selected Assessor.

Service Providers seeking approval are required to sign a Registered Applicant agreement with tScheme prior to commencement of Assessment. The Registration Fee is £5,000 and Registered Applicant status is valid for 12 months. If Approval occurs within this 12-month period, the Registration Fee is offset against the initial Approval Fee. If Approval fails to occur within 12 months and the Service Provider wishes to remain a Registered Applicant then a further annual £5,000 fee will be payable.

Licence Fees by Approval Profile

PKI Service Approvals

The table below sets out the initial and renewal licence fees, by Approval Profile, for PKI Service Approvals. The discounted Renewal Fees are dependent on the annual Renewal Report from the Service Provider’s chosen Assessor being received within 3 months of the anniversary date of the initial Approval. If the application to renew is not received within 3 months of the anniversary date, the full Approval Fee will be payable.

Profile Approval Fee Approval Fee renewal1 Approval Fee late renewal2
Base Profile (tSd0111) £4,500 £2,000 £2,250
Root Certification Authority (tSd0114) £4,500 £1,000 £2,250
Certification Authority (tSd0102)3 £3,000 £600 £1,500
Registration (tSd0042) £3,000 £600 £1,500
Certificate Generation (tSd0104) £2,000 £600 £1,000
Certificate Dissemination (tSd0105) £2,000 £600 £1,000
Certificate Status Management (tSd0106) £2,000 £600 £1,000
Certificate Status Validation (tSd0107) £2,000 £600 £1,000
Signing Keypair Management (tSd0103)4 £2,000 £600 £1,000

1: This discounted licence fee applies when the application to renew is made in accordance with the Licence Agreement – that is: within one month of the anniversary of the initial Approval and accompanied by an Assessment report recommending Renewal that is not more than three months old.

2: This is discounted licence fee applies when the application to renew is made within three months of the anniversary of the initial Approval. The application to renew must accompanied by an Assessment report recommending Renewal that is not more than three months old.

3: Approval against the Certification Authority Profile requires Approval against all of the other PKI Service Approval Profiles except the Signing Keypair Management Profile, which is optional.

4: Approval against the Signing Keypair Management Profile is optional and is only required where the Certification Authority generates a Keypair on behalf of the Subscriber that will be used for digitally signing data, for example this could be on a smart card or USB token.


IDP Service Approvals

The table below sets out the initial and renewal licence fees, by Approval Profile, for IDP Service Approvals. The discounted Renewal Fees are dependent on the annual Renewal Report from the Service Provider’s chosen Assessor being received within 3 months of the anniversary date of the initial Approval. If the application to renew is not received within 3 months of the anniversary date, the full Approval Fee will be payable.

Profile Approval Fee Approval Fee renewal1 Approval Fee late renewal2
Base Profile (tSd0111) £4,500 £2,000 £2,250
Identity Provider (tSd0112)3 £3,000 £600 £1,500
Identity Registration (tSd0108) £3,000 £600 £1,500
Credential Validation (tSd0109) £2,000 £600 £1,000
Credential Management (tSd0113) £2,000 £600 £1,000
Attribute Registration (tSd0110)4 £3,000 £600 £1,500

1: This discounted licence fee applies when the application to renew is made in accordance with the Licence Agreement – that is: within one month of the anniversary of the initial Approval and accompanied by an Assessment report recommending Renewal that is not more than three months old.

2: This is discounted licence fee applies when the application to renew is made within three months of the anniversary of the initial Approval. The application to renew must accompanied by an Assessment report recommending Renewal that is not more than three months old.

3: Approval against the Identity Provider Profile requires Approval against all of the other IDP Service Approval Profiles except the Attribute Registration Profile, which is optional.

4: Approval against the Attribute Registration Profile is optional and is only required where the Service being Approved is established to enable an individual in possession of a credential to associate additional attributes with that credential in order to be able assert those attributes to relying parties.


Example 1

A Certification Authority (CA) that also generates keypairs that the Subscriber will use to sign data would apply as a Registered Applicant for the Base Approval Profile and all 7 of the PKI service Approval Profiles. The amounts they would pay to tScheme are as follows: £5,000 upon award of Registered Applicant status; £15,500 on initial Grant of Approval (assuming that it occurs within one year of award of Registered Applicant status) and then, annually, £6,200 (assuming that application for Renewal is made within one month of the anniversary of the initial Grant of Approval supported by a report not more than 3-months old) when the Grant of Approval is renewed. If the application to renew were to be made 2 months after the anniversary of the initial Grant of Approval then £6,200 would become due one month after the anniversary and a further £4,050 when the Grant of Approval is renewed.

Example 2

An Identity Provider (IDP) that does not require the Attribute Registration Profile would apply as a Registered Applicant for the Base Approval Profile, the Identity Provider Profile and the 3 required IDP service Approval Profiles. The amounts they would pay to tScheme are as follows: £5,000 upon award of Registered Applicant status; £9,500 on initial Grant of Approval (assuming that it occurs within one year of award of Registered Applicant status) and then, annually, £4,400 (assuming that application for Renewal is made within one month of the anniversary of the initial Grant of Approval supported by a report not more than 3-months old) when the Grant of Approval is renewed. If the application to renew were to be made 4 months after the anniversary of the initial Grant of Approval then £4,400 would become due one month after the anniversary and a further £10,100 when the Grant of Approval is renewed.

Getting tScheme approval

Approval usually takes at least three months, but it can be quicker.


Why tScheme approval?

It’s the mark which says your service meets the highest standards of trust.



A collection of white papers and presentations from tScheme.